Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still no camera!

My main camera is still being worked on by "The Geek Squad" at Best Buy(any day now). So haven't taken many pics lately. Last week we were busy at the state fair and the Anderson's from Fargo came and stayed with us over the Labor Day weekend. We kept busy by doing a little shopping, trip to the park, grilling out, and watching a couple movies. The 4 adults made it out for a Sunday twins game (nice to go with out kids). And we also made another trip to the drive-in theatre to watch Toy Story 3 (yes I did cry at the end-I'm a sucker for those kids movies).

Tonight Chase starts swimming lessons and I have my last volleyball game of the season at Joe Sensors in Eagan. Hoping to take 1st place this time. And yes it's the start of football season so Eric's not to happy about bringing Chase to swimming lessons tonight but it's mommy's last Thursday night hurrah for a while.

We will be heading to Duluth this weekend for a Drury family get together. We are staying at the Edgewater Resort water park. Doesn't look the warmest for the weekend but we should be able to keep busy inside the warm water park.

I'll post some fair pics soon. Chase had a good time and of course we ate to much.

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