Chase (aka Charlie Brown) personality is really coming out these days. He's only 1 month away from turning 3 years old. He has a great new story for you pretty much everyday. He loves to push our buttons daily and is a ball of energy. He is smart and brings up random stuff we did months ago. Like "lets go to the zoo like we did before" (haven't been there since last fall). Or "I think we need to go to the Dollar store today to get more swords." (Russ hasn't taken him there for a while either due to the weather)
I'm happy to report after many failed attempts he's finally getting the whole potty ideal down. He's starting to tell us when he has to go and loves wearing those cute undies. I haven't had to buy him diapers for a while. That sure is nice!!
He's still really into sports. This week it's still boxing but he has added soccer now too. He has started his 3rd session of swimming. In this one we will be in the pool for half the session and the other half he will be by himself.
Lately his new movie to watch again and again is Bambi. He is also loving the new pirate cartoon on Disney. We are planning a pirate birthday party for him this year. We are also working on writing letters/numbers and drawing in the lines. He needs some work on these things.
He makes us laugh with his cute statements. "I'm so excited for the snow to melt! Finally I can go to the park and get on my slides." & "It's o.k. to have cupcakes for dinner if I eat 2."
Here are a couple random pictures from Chase's world.
Came home from work to this one day. They were all there to watch him box. He likes to line up things. What does that mean?

Chase pounding some Sharks at the bowling alley arcade.

Chase bowling. Tired to get a picture of him putting the ball on the ramp and pushing it down the lane but he's so fast I couldn't get a good shot.

Since he can dress himself now he sometimes likes to pick out his own outfits. This one he calls his bumble bee outfit. Yes those are shorts over pants and of course his slippers he got a Christmas and has wore holes in them already.

Here is a video of what he did with all the toys from the 1st picture.