Brayden turned 9 mths the day before Valentine's day. We celebrated it by bringing him to get his pictures taken. I wasn't going to get them done because I didn't do Chase's at this age but had a good deal so went and got them taken. He was such a great baby at the shoot it was worth it. Below are some of the pics.

Brayden continues to be a great little man. He's all over the place now. Climbing stairs, in the kitchen cupboards, trying to put his hands in the the toilets. We really have to keep our eye on him. He is also learning to play with toys too. He has some blocks he likes to stack and he has been playing catch or I should say throwing a ball and fetching it. This makes Chase happy something they can do together. He is a fan of peek a boo, so big, and some baby movies Russ plays for him. He still only has the bottom 2 teeth but I'm sure are more to come.
He passed his last check up with flying colors. Here are his stats:
Weight: 21 pounds 3 oz (90%)
Length: 29 1/2 (90%)
Head: 18 1/4 (75%)
Oh yeah and he is walking!!! He started at the beginning of Feb and is really getting the hang of it now. The first couple weeks there was a lot of falls but now he at least braces himself when he goes down.
Enjoy the video. Sorry it's sideways again.
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