Thursday, April 12, 2012

St Patty's Day 2012!

Not the best group shot in our green but it was hard enough to get this shot.

Even though St Patty's day was on a Saturday and I felt I should be out there with the other Irish I was at home being a mom.  The boys and I made some green banana bread to start out the day.  It tasted the same just looked a little moldy.  It was such a nice day out we hit a couple parks than in the afternoon headed down to Eric's mom's place in Hastings for an over night visit.  Grandpa Randy had found a steal at a garage sale (already) and got the boys a skeeball/basketball hoop thing. Chase knew just want to do but Brayden being smaller tried to shoot from right next to the basket vs at the end and kept causing the whole thing to collapse. 
We enjoyed the warm weather and grilled, had some beers, and of course enjoyed green banana bread.  The warm weather and chasing little men around all day had this Irish lady sleeping by 10:30.

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