Another month has went by and I've been not so good at blogging. Not much going on in the Bjorgaard home. Well I shouldn't say that. I'm trying to get ready for baby #2 by re-organizing the whole place. But I'm finding this really hard working full time and than coming home to a very busy toddler. Plus it doesn't help that Eric works pretty much every night. And no one (except maybe another baby) will take away my Saturday naps. I guess if it gets done it gets done.
I've been busy looking for a new bedroom set for Chase's big boy room. Along with new bedding, paint, and accessories. I'm also redecorating the guest bathroom upstairs. Pictures to follow soon. We have added a door onto our bonus room upstairs and will be moving the guest bed into there. We just sent our pull out couch, coffee table, and desk up to Eric's sister so we would have more space. I hated getting rid of the couch but there just wasn't room. So for you visitors we still have room for you.
I've been busy looking for a new bedroom set for Chase's big boy room. Along with new bedding, paint, and accessories. I'm also redecorating the guest bathroom upstairs. Pictures to follow soon. We have added a door onto our bonus room upstairs and will be moving the guest bed into there. We just sent our pull out couch, coffee table, and desk up to Eric's sister so we would have more space. I hated getting rid of the couch but there just wasn't room. So for you visitors we still have room for you.
Our dishwasher also stop working. We thought we had it fixed only to find out there was a hole in the drain tube so Russ's room in the basement got wet again. It went into the ceiling and onto his mattress so we had to get rid of that and buy a new one. Plus in the end we (Eric) decided to go buy a new dishwasher. So far so good!! But some added expenses we weren't planning for.
Baby update!! Last check up went good but having one more ultrasound next week to check growth and fluid levels. I'm hoping to get pictures so I'll post those next week. She said baby's growth looked good and heartbeat was good. She said he/she was still high which is what they want to see at this stage. I'm feeling good but slowing down a little.
He's such a big boy now!!